My 5 Biggest Lessons from Successes and Challenges of 2018!
My 5 Biggest Lessons from Successes and Challenges of 2018.
What an interesting blogging year 2018 was! Thank YOU for being such an amazing tribe. Your support and feedback helped me think and keep moving forward with my personal development journey.
I’m sharing with you here the 5 biggest lessons I learned this year
1.- Leader without a story
“Where there’s no vision the people perish” – Proverbs 29:18
Leading is complex, difficult and I can feel alone and misunderstood quite often, but with Queen, one of my favourite all time I’ll never walk alone!
One vision - How to create our vision for an Agile team; Queen inspires me!
2.- I don’t have the presence
“We, people in the Globalization/Localization tend to transition to leadership position. We start as translators, QA testers …. And we truly struggle to get in a leadership mindset”
Localization as part of Global Business Strategy –Decoding the air C-level Executives breath
3.- If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. African proverb
Getting along with LSP is a long process but it has not to be necessary painful. Have a look to this post to get some ideas about how to on board vendors in any LOCALIZATION PROCESS.
The 7 dimensions for Localization Vendors on boarding
4.- Culturally intelligent innovation begins with changing our impulse from Why can't you see it like I do? To help me see what I might be missing! - Livermore-
Cultural Intelligence - the future of management!
5.- Begin with the end in mind – Stephen Covey
Create content thinking about final users from the beginning!
UX Localization? Is that a "thing"? and how we measure UX satisfaction?
What about you? what were your biggest lessons learned in 2018? Do share below, it would be great to hear from you. And…. happy Holidays to everyone
Until next year!
Usually, when we want to improve something in our Localization strategy, we first set an ambitious goal. From there, we design a strategy to reach it as quickly as possible. If we don't see rapid changes, we feel like we're not improving. To break this cycle, we can try changing the way we set goals—smaller, but consistent objectives that, when we look back, show us that we are indeed making progress. This progress can be the driving force for us every week, every month, every year.
Here are some ideas on how we could apply this Kaizen methodology in the Localization world.