Great UX deserves great Localization
Mission accomplished, and it has not been easy! I managed to live this Black Friday without buying anything! Despite the multiple emails from different websites that I received throughout the week, despite all the ads on my Twitter feed, cookies on my browser, radio ads, Subway stop ads, Media Markt ads when I went to see the movie The Joker, ads also in the shop windows of the different streets that I walk…. ads everywhere…. I did it! I have not bought anything this Black Friday. I am not against buying stuff ... I am against buying things compulsively.
About 2-3 years ago I started a journey of being selective in my purchases, buying things that are going to improve my life in a certain way, things that I really need. Must have items instead of nice to have. In this journey of being more selective with my purchases, I realized that what I like to buy most are experiences.
Travel to different cities, to different countries, go to restaurants, theaters, cinema, see museums, concerts, go to Real Madrid stadium with my kids, have a tapas evening after work with my friends…. I prefer to invest my money in "user" experiences. And you know what? This analogy is also applicable to the world of Localization and UX. The bottom line is that the goal of the UX + Localization tandem is the same as the one I am looking for when buying “experiences”
“User Experience (UX) is related to the perception of the individual as a user of a product, system or service and with the pleasure and satisfaction evoked in contact with this artifact.”
According to Garret “The User Experience concept has demonstrated to be vital to all types of products and services, and if it is not positive, people will probably not use them anymore”
“Today, people buy experiences, not ONLY products.”
And how experiences are created in a digital product? UX community to the rescue !!
UX community are magicians to create these experiences, with their knowledge of design, with their knowledge of how to write content that engages our users to create a phenomenal user experience they play a fundamental role as Experience Creators ….
But I realized about something ....?"Great UX deserve Great Localization"; today we are in a global world, in which if we are creating a digital product paying attention only to the UX and not to the Localization this might provide a user experience not so pleasant and satisfying
In this post, I explore and reflect on how UX and Localization join forces to provide a magical user experience.
Download this PDF that I created in which I have summarized a series of best practices and factors to consider when combining UX + Localization
Please leave your comments below on what other factors or areas we must take into account to create an unforgettable user experience, I will update this infographic with your feedback so we can have a checklist as complete as possible to navigate the difficult areas of culture, language, product usability, and user satisfaction.
Have a great week and let’s keep embracing the magic of creating experiencing between UX crew and Globalizers ….
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