How do you sell localization to a skeptical executive?
There is a very nice movement that has originated on LinkedIn called #LocLunch in which people from the Localization industry come together to have lunch. And we have people spread all over the world!
How could it be otherwise! we are a very multicultural group, and we show it with #LocLunch that are happening in Berlin, Barcelona, Madrid, Milan, Prague, Moscow, The Hague, Hamburg, Genova ... it's so coooool!
I think it’s a great initiative! I knew about them through Yuka Nakasone and Jan Hinrichs (thanks for moving it guys!)
My post this week came from a conversation during the lunch
I prepared a white paper HERE as the topic is deep. But if your are busy have a look and the infographic and this summary to get a rough idea.
Idea in Brief
Traditionally, it has always been difficult to "sell" the importance of activities related to Globalization in the product development cycle and get budget par Localization activities
The reason
Localization department perceived as a cost center instead of a profit center
Localization team members not having a seat in the decision-making table
A not clear understanding of the impact of a proper Globalization strategy
The solution
Continuous evangelization is the key to get C-Suite buy-in, however contrary at what we could imagine Evangelization should not only be an upwards effort to get the funds we need to craft our Localization strategy. The combination of horizontal/vertical evangelization combined with different specific actions can provide the desired output
Hope you find this info useful, comment below if you have further tips to evangelize G-localizartion and until next #LocLunch!!
"The Localization Accountability Ladder" explains how to go from avoiding responsibility to becoming a leader in localization. The blog covers seven simple steps, showing key behaviors, skills, and tasks to help teams improve.